Akmed's Camel comprise a talented group of musicians who all have a keen interest in folk music, art and music festivals. They bring this skill and experience together to form a fantastic folk band, ideally suited for ceilidhs and barn dances.
Our standard line-up includes an accomplished Piano-Accordionist, Guitarist, Bassist, Drummer and a Caller.
Kim Biggs is our lead musician and a skilled writer of quirky dance tunes. She started playing piano at the age of 5 and progressed to diploma level, picking up skills on recorder and flute along the way, before taking up the accordion in the 1980s. She has been playing for ceilidhs since 1987, her infectious style inviting dancers almost imperiously onto the dance floor. Her love of traditional music from the British Isles is blended with her creativity in composing original tunes, ensuring an abundance of variety and fun in our music which will keep even those who prefer not to dance but to sit back and listen entertained.